

Many Students to Attend Conference.--Others, Who Wish to Go Should See L. A. Morgan Today.

The largest University delegation that ever attended the Northfield Conference will leave North Station tomorrow morning on a special car attached to the 9.30 train. There is still an opportunity for any new men to join the party, and they should see L. A. Morgan '17 some time today and make arrangements for accommodations. The University delegation will be quartered in Gould Hall, which is considered the most comfortable dormitory at Northfield. There will be a large separate dining room, and the cost of board will be reduced to a minimum.

The daily program at Northfield will begin with a rising bell at 7.30. At 8.30 various special classes will be held such as social service, Bible study, or mission study. From 9.30 to 12.30 will be devoted to vocational discussion, in which men interested in different forms of life work will have a chance to talk with experienced men. The afternoons are given over to various forms of out-door recreation, including a tennis tournament, baseball league games, a track meet, and good swimming in the Connecticut. In the evenings there are out-door addresses on a neighboring hill-side and delegation meetings around a camp fire.
