

Additional Courses Offered by Faculty.--Housing Arrangements Made in Freshman Dormitories.

The University Summer School will open this year on Thursday, July 1, and will continue six weeks until Thursday, August 12. The usual number of varied and interesting courses will be offered, some by professors in the University and some by men who will come from outside institutions. For the first time courses in the Graduate School of Architecture and courses in biological science in the Medical School will be given as a part of the Summer School.

The administrative board has arranged many conveniences for the benefit of members of the School. Standish Hall and Persis Smith Hall will be used to house the students, and the Smith Halls dining room will also remain open. The libraries in Massachusetts Hall and Randall Hall will be accessible on weekdays from 9 until 5.30 o'clock, and none of the books will be removed from this building until the Summer School is over. The Weld boathouse will be open after July 7.

The Summer School will have as its guests two conferences under the auspices of the Massachusetts Board of Education. The American Institute of Instruction, the oldest and best known association of New England teachers, will hold its annual meeting in Cambridge from July 1 to July 3. Prominent educators will attend and will present many valuable papers.

A one week conference of superintendents of schools of small towns will be held here from June 28 to July 3. This conference will aim to promote more effective school supervision in Massachusetts.
