
1918 Has Exceptional Crew

Freshman crew work started this fall with the interdormitory races. These proved successful in bringing out a great deal of material, and arousing interest. When the regular work began on February 16, 120 men reported, making a record in the history of the University. Hard work and keen competition have made this year's eight seemingly one of the best ever developed here. M. Wiggin, the regular stroke, has been elected captain, and he has behind him an exceptionally heavy and strong crew, and one which rows beautifully.

The Freshmen lost to Cornell 1918 on Lake Cayuga on May 22 by a length and a half, due probably to poor physical condition. The Harvard Freshmen led easily at the half-way mark, but suddenly seemed to lose power, and their rowing became noticeably much poorer from thence on. At the end of the race they seemed entirely rowed out.

Since going to Red Top the crew has picked up wonderfully under the better conditions, and is easily the favorite in its event in tomorrow's regatta. The men row with much the same form as the first boat, and keep their boat running smoothly throughout the stroke. Changes in order have been few and far between, and the unity of the boat is very good. Hawkins replaced Place at coxswain recently and seems to get a good deal more out of the men, although this is his first year at the game. Captain Wiggin is easily the best stroke on the squad.
