
Economic Prize Subjects

Announcement has been made of the Economic Prizes for 1916 offered by Hart, Schaffner and Marx Co., of Chicago, offered for the four best studies in the economic field. The committee composed of Professor H. C. Adams, of the University of Michigan, Professor J. B. Clark, of Columbia, Dean E. F. Gay, of Harvard, Professor J. L. Laughlin '73, of the University of Chicago and Horace White of New York City, has selected the following six topics for essays, although competitors need not confine themselves to them: (1) The Effect of the European War on the Future Rate of Interest; (2) The Relations of Credit and Exchange Between the United States and South American Countries; (3) The Economic Effects of the Entrance of Japan upon the the Chinese Mainland; (4) A Critical Study of the Appropriations for Rivers and Harbors of the United States, 1895-1915; (5) A Critical Examination of the Recent Fiscal Policy of the United States, 1913-1915; (6) The Needs and Future of American Shipping.

Two prizes of $300 and $200 are offered for the best papers of undergraduates of any American college. Two other prizes of $1,000 and $500 are offered to any other American without restriction. For further information address Mr. J. L. Loughlin, University of Chicago.
