

Sparkling among the reforms for 1915-16 that ought to be seized and hoisted to a practical plane is that which calls for the substitution of electric vacuum cleaners for the brooms that have heretofore and hitherto been strangled in the grasp of the college goodies. A new broom sweeps clean, it is granted, but the argument peters out with that concession. Whereas a vacuum cleaner not only sweeps clean but it carries away the dust in its carburetor or gas bag or whatever the receptacle is officially dubbed. That is the sharp point in favor of the cleaner. The broom comes along and takes the dust off the floor all right, but by the time the goodie has finished making the bed and cleaning out the fireplace the dust has settled down again to do business at the same old stand, until it is disturbed on the morrow in the same fashion. It is the occupant of the college-owned dormitory who, on leaving his room with the advent of the goodie and her broom, realizes that dust he is, and unto dust he is, and unto dust he will return. The broom can only give the particles a round trip in the air and then let them waft down on the carpet again, whereas the vacuum cleaner sucks the particles out of the very depths of one's Axminster and sucks them out for good.
