The work on the 1915 Quinquennial Catalogue has already reached an advanced stage, and it is expected that it will be ready within the next two weeks.
The first complete catalogue of Harvard graduates was probably issued in 1674. Of this only one copy is known to exist, and is kept in the State Paper Office in London. A photograph of it has recently been given to the College Library by Edward Bell '04, of the American Embassy at London. From 1682 to 1875, the volume was issued triennially and since then has been issued every five years. Prior to 1890, the names were all printed in Latin.
Variety in New Catalogue.
The new catalogue will differ in several respects from its predecessors. In the early pages of other Quinquennials there have been long lists of professors, tutors, instructors, and other officers of the University. For these will be substituted, under the heading of named professorships, the lists of those who have held them; and a longer alphabetical list of all officers of instruction and administration. In the class lists, the first ten scholars will be indicated by italic numerals in the order of rank when it can be ascertained. Undergraduate distinctions won with the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Science will be indicated by abbreviations of cum laude and magna cum laude, and summa cum laude, also by the name of the field in which distinction, of varying degree, has been won. Academic positions will be noted only in the case of permanent appointments to presidencies, professorships, and the like. The number of learned societies in which membership is credited will be somewhat reduced. It is obvious that the rapidly growing number of graduates must necessitate some abridgement.
These changes, it is expected, will add to the interest of the volume. Every graduate who attained distinction in college or later life will receive a recognition which will place him where he belongs in the company of scholars.
This volume will be the first produced under the direction of Mr. Charles Chester Lane '04, director of the University Press.
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