The Commencement exercises of the Andover Theological Seminary will be held in the Andover Chapel on Monday morning, beginning at 11.30 o'clock. The following order has been decided upon:
Organ Prelude.
Processional Hymn.
By the President of the Faculty Addresses by members of the graduating class:
1. "The Idea of the Golden Age," Douglas Hilary Corley
2. "The Present-Day Approach to Theology," Sireno Carl Weist Hymn.
Address to the graduating class and conferring of degrees, by the President of the Board of Trustees.
Prayer, followed by the Benediction.
Recessional Hymn.
Organ Postude.
The formal ceremonies will be preceded by a meeting of the Trustees in the Faculty Room and a meeting of the t tlumni in the Farrar Room, both at 9.30 o'clock. At 12.30 the Trustees will give a dinner at the Colonial Club to the graduating class, the faculties of the Seminary, and of the Harvard Divinity School, and other invited guests.
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