

Blue Ahead Only in Fencing, Wrestling, and Gymnastics This Year.

University major and minor sport teams have met Yale in thirteen different branches of athletics during the present college year, and have been victories in ten of them. Yale's three victories were gained by the gymnastic, wrestling, and fencing teams, but the latter defeat was atoned for, when the University fencers defeated Yale in the intercollegiate meet, finishing two places ahead of their rivals. The gymnastic teams did not have a separate meet, but Yale won the intercollegiate meet, while the University team took only sixth place.

In the major sports the University teams have made a clean sweep to date, baseball and crew still remaining undecided. The year began with the annual intercollegiate golf and tennis tournaments in September. In the former event, the University won individual honors and finished second to Princeton in the team matches. Tennis resulted in the doubles title coming here, Princeton defeating Harvard in the singles. In the first dual contest of the year with Yale, the cross-country team nosed out a victory, 27 to 28, and later took second place in the intercollegiate run, Yale finishing third. Football brought the first major sport victory. On the same day the soccer team likewise scored a victory by a 4 to 0 score, and the gun club took first in the intercollegiate shoot, Yale taking third place.

In the winter sports, the chief victory was gained in hockey, two straight games being taken by scores of 4 to 2 and 3 to 1. The long distance relay team won the annual race at the B. A. A. The first set-back was received in wrestling, Yale winning 13 to 4. The Yale fencers then won the dual contest 5 to 4, but in the intercollegiate meet, the University team turned the tables, defeating Yale 6 to 3, and finishing fourth while Yale ended sixth. Although not meeting the University in a dual contest, the Yale gymnastic team proved its superiority by winning the intercollegiate meet. The swimming teams did not oppose each other.

The recent spring sports have added four more victories, chief among them being that in the dual track games, 53 to 51. The lacrosse team had no trouble in defeating Yale's newly organized team, 8 to 4, and tennis and golf resulted in victories for the University by 8 to 1 and 5 to 1 scores, respectively.
