

Alumni in England Plan Aid for University Hospital Units.

The following statement of the foundation of a war relief fund by the Harvard Club of London has been sent to the CRIMSON by the secretary, R. Grant, Jr., '06:

"Living in the capital of the British Empire, within a few hours of the main battlefield, the members of this club are profoundly moved by the sight of the wastage and wreck of war, and feel it their duty to carry out the traditions of wide and intelligent humane help so long taught in the University.

"America has come nobly to the front, and American help is being given in every part of stricken Europe. A considerable amount of money has already been provided by citizens of the United States for the needs of the homeless, the foodless, the sick, the wounded. Much more, however, is still needed, for, greater yet than the treasure outpoured so freely, is the mighty and ever-growing need. In Belgium a whole population is barely being saved from sheer starvation; in northern France the wretched non-combatants are in as pitiful a plight; in Servia, disease of the most malignant and deadly character adds its destructive powers to lack of food and shelter; Poland, harried by the contending hosts, well nigh fails to make its lamentable condition known.

"Harvard hospital units, Harvard ambulances, Harvard surgeons and physicians, Harvard helpers are at work on the battlefields of the unending fighting line, at the bases, in the hamlets, villages, towns and cities. From all these points come insistent calls for aid. Money is urgently needed, and the various funds are often unable to meet the demands as promptly as is required.

The Harvard Club of London War Relief Fund is established for the special purpose of instantly responding to such calls, primarily from the Harvard Hospital Units and Ambulances, and for Harvard relief of the starving and homeless.


"Financial aid is continually wanted for special purposes, and while such aid can often be obtained from the United States, it is not in season to meet the immediate need. An easily accessible fund in London will fill the gap. The Harvard Club of London therefore appeals to all graduates and undergraduates to aid its effort, fully confident that not only will their response be generous, but also immediate. Quickness of response is the most pressing necessity of this call.

"The Fund will be administered in London by the following committee: President Eliot, the Right Honorable Viscount Bryce, O.., LL.D. '07, and former British Ambassador to the United States; J. H. Seaverns '81, president of the Harvard Club of London; R. Grant, Jr., '06, vice-president and secretary of the Harvard Club of London; E. C. Darling '93; L. H. De Friese '76; F. C. de Sumichrast, associate professor emeritus the University; C. W. Short, Jr., '08; H. S. Waite '09.

"Contributions should be sent to Robert Grant, Jr., '06, Bank Buildings, Princes street, London, E. C.; or to him at 44 State street, Boston, Mass."
