

Football Prospects of Yale, Cornell and Brown Outlined.--General Outlook is Favorable.

With the closing of the academic year the attention of the student body turns naturally towards the football prospects of the University and her opponents for this fall. Accordingly the CRIMSON prints the following information concerning a few of the stronger teams which appear on the University schedule for the 1915 season.

The "News" has summed up the prospects at New Haven as unusually bright and outlined the situation as follows. "Fourteen 'Y' men will return next year, including four guards, two tackles, one end, one centre, and six backs. In addition to this there is good material from the second team and some twenty men from this year's freshman class who should strengthen the team considerably. The university football management has announced that the early season practice for the university squad will start on Tuesday, September 7, the first day after Labor Day. The practice will consist of light preliminary work for about a week and then the squad will get down to earnest work in preparation for the opening game with the University of Maine on September 25."

With twelve letter men back, Brown should have a strong team next fall. The "Brown Daily Herald" has outlined the prospects as follows: "Twelve 'B' men will return next fall. These include Captain Andrews, halfback; Gordon, halfback; Fraser, fullback; Murphy, quarterback; Ward, Farnum, Huggening, and Bailey, tackles; McBee and Ormsby, ends; Maxwell, guard; and Staff, centre. The team has done a little spring training and will probably return a week early in the fall." The University-Brown game next fall comes on November 13, one week before the Yale game.

The "Cornell Sun" has summarized the football outlook at Ithaca as follows: "Only six veterans will return to college next fall, these six being Captain Barrett, quarter and back; Anderson, guard; Cove, centre; Eckley, end; Shelton, end; and Snyder, guard. The weakness caused by the graduation of the regulars, however, will be considerably made up by the material from the second and freshman teams. It is from this material that Dr. Sharpe will begin early next fall to construct his team. Coach Sharpe is absolutely silent, as usual, concerning what his chances are." The Harvard-Cornell game will take place at Soldiers Field on October 23.
