

University Crews Are Obliged to Stop In the Middle of Close Race.-Yale Men Well Again.

Red Top, Conn., June 11.-The feature of the rowing practice today was a time trial which was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a tug boat. The first and second University boats started to race, and the latter was to stop at the two-mile where the Freshmen were to take up the race. At the mile and a quarter mark, when the two crews were making a fairly even race of it, an ocean tug "James MacWilliams" suddenly appeared in the course and refused to stop in spite of all signals and gesticulations from the four launches which were following the race. The wake from the tug was too heavy for the shells and the men were obliged to stop in the middle of the trial. As a result the trial was postponed until tomorrow.

The rowing this morning consisted of routine short fast paddles by all the crews. There was also some pair-oar work with Coach Wray.

Yale Men Fully Recovered.

The Yale crew men are practically recovered from their recent attack of ptomaine poisoning, and continued their routine work this morning in a series of short, hard paddles for all the crews. Several of the men witnessed the failure of the time trials of the University men in the afternoon.
