

University and Freshman Eights Rowed Over Short Stretches at High Speed.

Harvard Training Quarters, Red Top, Conn., June 10.--The morning row for the University and Freshman crews consisted of a half-mile pull at a short, high stroke. The second crew rowed for nearly a mile but the other boats were sent in earlier. This afternoon Coach Wray accompanied the University crew in a single, and rowed the men for short, hard stretches at top speed. After which they took a short spin with the stroke at 34. The emphasis today was laid particularly on a hard finish with a snappy recovery and a slow, easy slide.

A new ten-foot American flag is now flying from the new fifty-foot flag-pole at the crew quarters. The weather was rather windy in the morning but was calm this afternoon.

Yale Crews Resume Work.

The Yale University crew and the Freshman eight took a four-mile paddle this afternoon, ending with one minute of high speed rowing, and the men seem fully recovered from the effects of the poisoning. Coach Nickalls did not work them very hard, however, and spent most of the time drilling them on a smooth finish and recovery. He expects to begin his regular program of hard work tomorrow.
