The next competitions for election to the board of the CRIMSON will begin early in the fall, probably on Monday, October 4, a week after College opens. Members of the class of 1918 only may compete in the business and news competitions, 1919 men being given their first chance to come out in February. A competition in writing editorials will also begin in October, open only to 1917 men.
The News Competition.
Four news editors have already been chosen from the class of 1918, leaving places for about seven more, who will be taken on after the fall and spring news competitions next year. The competition is difficult, but the work is distinctly worth while, not only as a training in accuracy in writing and efficiency in gathering news, but also because of the broad insight that it gives into the activities of the University. In no other way may these advantages be secured; and the successful candidate is given further valuable experience as an editor of the paper, in handling business and men, not to mention the editorial routine which is excellent training for those contemplating journalism as a profession. Since the editorial writing competition requires a knowledge of College problems and a maturity that Sophomores do not usually possess, it will be open only to Juniors.
The Business Competition.
The competition for the position of business managers of the CRIMSON from the class of 1918 will start as soon as College opens in the fall. Two positions are open to the present Freshman class, and the men taken on will become assistant manager and circulation manager in their Junior year, and one will become business manager in his Senior year. The work required consists largely in soliciting subscriptions and advertisements, but general business efficiency is given weight in the choice of managers. The competition is hard but short, and furnishes excellent business training. In addition to this an invaluable knowledge of the financing and distribution of a college daily is gained. The positions to be filled have a great deal of responsibility attached, and though all cannot attain to these offices, the training is of sufficient value to warrant a large competition from 1918. For further details candidates should apply to F. G. C. O'Neill '16, in the business office of the CRIMSON tomorrow morning between 8.30 and 9 o'clock.
Read more in News
Squam Lake Camp Opens Saturday.