The Freshman Jubilee initiated by the class of 1918, will start at 4 o'clock when the gates of the Smith Halls' quadrangle will be opened to all those bearing invitations. Promptly at 5 o'clock the afternoon concert will begin, and will include 9 numbers, three by the Freshman orchestra, and the rest by soloists from the class. Standing buffet supper will be served in the Smith Halls' dining room at 6.30 o'clock. There will also be tables about the quadrangle and along the balcony by the dining and common rooms where Freshmen may serve their guests. The interdormitory singing contest will start at 7.30 o'clock. Smith Halls will sing first; Gore, second; and Standish, last. There will also be selections by the Freshman Glee Club. Each hall will sing from the stone promenade by the east entrance gate of the quadrangle. Upon the decision of the judges, President Lowell will present the cup to the leader of the winning hall. The dance, which will last until 12 o'clock, will begin immediately afterward.
Tickets may be bought at $1 each from any member of the Jubilee committee, and will also be on sale at the gate of the Smith Halls' quadrangle. Ample accommodations will be made for all guests and for the parking of cars.
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