All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Wednesday, June 2.
4.00.--University baseball team vs. Williams at Soldiers Field.
4.00.--Freshman Mandolin Club concert in Brookline.
6.30.--Banquet of Pierian Sodality at Boston City Club.
Thursday, June 3.
Final examinations begin in all courses offered by Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
7.30.--Second Yard concert by Glee Club.
Friday, June 4.
5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine at the Medical School, Boston.
7.30.--Production of "Siegfried" in the Stadium.
Saturday, June 5.
Applications for Class Day tickets close.
4.00.--University baseball team vs. Princeton at Soldiers Field.
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