

Crew Managements Agree to Hold Usual Four Events on Thames.--One Judge To Decide Races.

The final agreement for the Yale boat races on the Thames River on June 24 and 25 have been made. The university eight-oared race is to be rowed upstream on Friday, June 25, at 4.30 o'clock. The start will be at the railroad bridge and the finish at the end of the four-mile course. The second university eight-oared race is also to be on Friday. The start is to be at the Navy Yard at 10.15 o'clock and the race will be rowed down-stream, finishing at the railroad bridge. The Freshman eight-oared race will be started at the same place on Friday morning at 10.45 o'clock and rowed over the same course as the second university race.

Freshman Four-oared Thursday.

The Freshman four-oared race is to be rowed on Thursday afternoon, the time and course to be settled by the two university captains. If it should be necessary to postpone the second or Freshman races they are to be rowed up-stream on Friday afternoon either before or after the university race, or on Saturday at the same time. If it is necessary to postpone the university race, it is to be rowed up-stream at any time before 6.30 o'clock on Friday agreed upon by the captains or on Saturday.

The agreement provides that instead of three judges as last year, all possibility of dispute will be eliminated by having one judge at the finish of the race, and one referee to follow the boats. Each will have an assistant to take his place in case of absence. If either crew in the university race is disabled by a bonafide accident during the first half-mile, the boats will be called back. Mr. Harry A. Fisher, graduate treasurer of athletics at Columbia, will be the judge at finish.
