

Arrangements for Supper for Out-of-town Guests Completed.

Work has commenced on the wiring of the Stadium in preparation for the production of Wagner's Siegfried which is to be given on the evening of June 4. Mr. F. W. Gaus, the electrician of the Metropolitan Opera Company, New York, has been secured to take charge of the work, and he is bringing with him fifteen expert assistants. Two telegraph poles have been erected at the open end of the Stadium, in order to bring the wires in from the street.

All other preparations for the great production are being pushed forward rapidly. The final arrangements have been completed for serving supper on the field at 5 o'clock, in order to accommodate out-of-town guests. The intermissions after the first and second acts will be half an hour each in length, and trumpeters will herald the rising of each curtain by playing representative motives from the opera, after the custom at Beyreuth.
