
What is Going on Today

2.00.--Competition for Old Testament Prizes in Sever 18.

4.00.--Interclass lacrosse game on Soldiers Field, 1918 vs. 1917.

4.00.--University baseball team vs. University of Vermont on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Second baseball team vs. Pilgrims on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Team 11 vs. 13, and 2 vs. 4 in the Leiter cup series on Soldiers Field.


4.30.--Southworth Lecture. IV. "The Beginnings of the Free Churches," by the Reverend Dr. Vernon, in Room A of Andover seminary Building.

5.15.--Class crew races.

8.00.--Cercle Francais reception to Anatole Le Braz.
