
Library Nearing Completion

with a total capacity of 1,800,000 volumes. One of the distinguishing features of the stack is a row of stalls along each outside wall, each stall being well lighted and having comfortable room for a table and chair. The stacks are ventilate in a simple and economical manner by means of plenum fans forcing fresh air into the basement and exhaust fans drawing the partially vitiated air from the top. A striking innovation is found in the provision of a large number of small study rooms about 12 feet by 15 feet for the private use of professors and others. The upper floor contains fourteen studies, nineteen rooms to be used for special libraries and seminars, a photographing room, and the Library's collection of maps and manuscripts. Telephones, pneumatic tubes, book lifts, and passenger elevators have been installed to effect ease of communication between the different floors and departments.

Perhaps the principal features of the building are two rooms, located exactly in the centre of the building and at the head of the grand staircase. These are in special memory of Harry Elkins Widener in whose name the library was donated. The first of these is a Memorial Hall, finished in white Italian marble with a dome overhead, and the inner room, which is finished in dark wood, contains the famous Widener collection. There is a large fireplace at the end of this room above which is a portrait of Harry Elkins Widener. These rooms are well lighted by windows opening upon court-yards on both sides.
