The tournament for the college singles championship will commence today on the Jarvis Field courts. Contestants will be defaulted if they do not appear with-in-fifteen minutes of the appointed time and if the scores are not posted on the chart at the field by six o'clock. There will be no charge for courts, but contestants must furnish their own balls.
The following will be the schedule of matches: at 2 o'clock, W. Edgar '16 vs. J. Davis '15; E. A. LeRoy '16 vs. H. Wainwright '15; N. H. Partridge '17 vs. W. Fleming '17; D. S. Gates uC. vs. F. M. Currier '17, winners of last two matches to play at 4 o'clock ; H. L. Cole '16 vs. P. C. Bentley '17; F. Whitlock '16 vs. H. Foster '17, winner of last two matches to play at 4 o'clock; A. A. Cameron '17 vs. G. W. B. Hartwell '17; S. B. McKinley '16 vs. S. Stanton '15.
At 4 o'clock: W. C. Peebles '17 vs. B. M. Fullerton '16; C. L. Sherman '17 vs. W. P. Whitehouse, 2d, '17; H. R. Guild, r., '17 vs. P. C. Lewis '17; H. Feis uC. vs. J. Harper '16; G. B. Blaine '17 vs. A. S. Ellenberger uC.; H. Wentworth '17 vs. C. H. Smith '15; H. Morgan '17 vs. W. B. Kahn '16; J. L. Kimberly '16 vs. L. P. Mansfield '16.
At 4.15 o'clock: G. E. Leighton '17 vs. L. R. Wanser '17.
The University second team trials will continue at Jarvis Field as follows: at 4 o'clock, H. Francke '15 vs. H. Morgan '17; R. Z. Crane '17 v. E. O. Baker '17; T. J. D. Fuller '15 vs. F. Boyer '16.
The first matches in the Freshman interdormitory tournament will be played on Soldiers Field this afternoon. All scores must be posted on the charts on the bulletin boards of the dormitories by 6 o'clock under penalty of default.
The following is the schedule: at 2 o'clock, K. M. Knox vs. B. W. Knowlton; O. L. Johnson vs. E. C. Means; T. Jenney vs. J. Browning; E. Kuhn vs. E. N. Wyner; W. P. Hewitt vs. B. V. Imbrie; A. L. Carroll vs. G. L. Howe; M. Noxon vs. W. C. Tirrill; C. W. Timpson vs. R. W. Clarke; W. E. Sullivan vs. H. W. Boal; A. E. MacDougall vs. F. B. Todd; H. Gage, Jr., vs. W. W. Pinney.
At 4 o'clock: T. R. Allen vs. P. F. LeFevre; R. S. Coit vs. E. Kiernan; D. M. Brunswick vs. C. W. Taintor; J. J. Caires vs. M. O. Miller; W. W. Spencer vs. R. V. Buel; L. R. Bailey vs. A. D. Jordan; E. C. Stetson vs. L. B. Liggett; V. B. Kellett vs. A. L. Whitman; P. G. Cammann vs. F. W. Ecker; W. H. Allen vs. W. A. Norris; S. Rollins vs. J. P. Vogel.
At 4.30 o'clock: T. A. Smith vs. J. E. Simon; P. Benton vs. A. Wolfman; J. Mitchell vs. H. H. Mosher.
The 1918 team trials will be continued on Jarvis field as follows: at 2 o'clock, H. Talcott vs. E. B. Benjamin; P. N. Rhinelander vs. E. B. Benedict; R. C. Cooke vs. D. K. Dunmore; L. E. Green vs. G. A. Johnson.
At 3.30 o'clock; E. B. Benjamin and D. K. Dunmore vs. L. E. Green and R. C. Cooke.
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