Philadelphia, Pa., May 27, 1915.--University track squad arrived here today in good condition, with the exception of J. B. Camp '15 and W. W. Kent '16, the latter still being bothered by stomach trouble, while the former's ankle has shown but slight improvement. It is still doubtful whether either will be able to compete. The afternoon was devoted to taking a boat ride.
Over four hundred athletes from over 20 colleges have sent in their entries. A conspicuous absence is that of the University of California, which felt unable to send a team because of the numerous meets on the Pacific coast. California scored 18 points last year. Cornell has one of the largest teams entered, 31 making the trip. Injuries during the last week have caused the withdrawal of Lewis, a sprinter, and Van Kennan, a pole-vaulter. Foss, who has been looked upon as the winner of the pole-vault, has not entirely recovered from the injury to his wrist. Dartmouth's chances likewise, have been greatly lessened, due to the injuries to two star hurdlers, Trenholm and Braun; the latter won the high hurdles at the games last year.
The following are the entries of the University team:
100-yard dash.--J. L. Foley '15, B. Z. Nelson '15, E. A. Teschner '17, R. Tower '15.
220-yard dash.--J. L. Foley '15, B. Z. Nelson '15, E. A. Teschner '17, R. Tower '15.
440-yard run.--A. Biddle '16, W. J. Bingham '16, T. R. Pennypacker '16, W. Willcox, Jr., '17.
880-yard run.--A. Biddle '16, W. J. Bingham '16, W. J. Bingham '16, Captain F. W. Capper '15.
One-mile run.--Captain F. W. Capper '15, W. W. Kent '16, N. L. Torrey '15.
Two-mile run.--C. Southworth '15.
120-yard high hurdles.--P. M. Rice '15, M. P. Robinson '15.
220-yard low hurdles.--F. S. Allen '16, H. W. Minot '17, P. M. Rice '15, M. P. Robinson '15, H. St.J. Smith '15.
Shot-put.--F. B. Withington '15.
Hammer-throw.--H. S. Sturgis '15.
Pole-yault.--J. B. Camp '15, M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, G. G. Haydock '16, L. G. Richards '16.
Broad jump.--M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, J. O. Johnstone '16.
High jump.--J. B. Camp '15, J. O. Johnstone '16
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