

No question which has been discussed by students this year has brought forth so many speeches, communications, and editorials as the subject of summer camps. Even beer did not raise so great a storm. Nor has interest subsided. It has, on the contrary, grown more acute owing to the nearer approach of vacation, the time men must decide how they are to spend it. New international situations have arisen; and the issue between pacifists and militarists is even more sharply drawn.

Hence the meeting in the Union tonight is of special significance. The case for the camps will be presented by speakers most in sympathy with the movement and best qualified to speak upon it from the affirmative side. Major-General Wood is the originator of the plan; and Adjutant-General Cole and President Lowell are strong advocates of it. Those who are opposed to the principles of the camps as well as those who favor them should not overlook this opportunity of hearing the views of their sponsors. The more the information that can be obtained on the subject, the better can the problem be solved.
