The new little trees in the Yard will spend today in peace and quiet, for the Senior class will be far away in the shady groves and sandy stretches of Mystery Island, trying to be young again. At 8 o'clock the degree-hunters will leave the Square on special surface cars, and will, it is hoped, arrive at Marine Wharf. Here tickets will be on sale for those who have left their's in their other suit. The tax will be ten bits apiece.
Just before leaving the Yard, the disreputables will assemble in front of Thayer, where their picture will be taken. If any men fail to return from the picnic, a copy of this photograph framed in crape will be sent to their families.
At the island everything will be halarious. The dormitories will play a baseball series for the right to challenge the CRIMSON Clouters. It is known from inside sources, however, that the challenge will be refused. There will be many track events and other athletic contests, including refreshments. Impromptu entertainment on the part of some of the picnickers themselves is confidently expected before the day is over, but regular entertainment has also been planned.
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