Mr. E. F. Wood, Yale '10, who visited several of the battle-fronts in Europe recently, spoke in the Union last night on the work of the American Ambulance Corps, in France, and the necessity for supporting it. By saving delay in getting the wounded to the hospitals the corps saves a great many lives.
There are about 150 men in the corps, none of whom have been seriously injured yet. About 35 Harvard men have served with great distinction, five of them being field officers. In the future only college graduates will be accepted, as this class of men has proven the most efficient under trying conditions. Men wishing to apply for positions must intend to stay three or four months, and be willing to pay about $300 for travelling expenses and sundries. At the front all expenses are borne by the French Government.
All inquiries should be addressed to William Hereford, 14 Wall street, New York.
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