The annual Memorial Day exercises will be held in Sanders Theatre next Monday, May 31, at 12 o'clock. The speaker for the occasion will be President Eliot. The chaplain has not yet been definitely decided upon.
Invitations have been sent to all veterans of the Civil War who are Harvard men, to the members of the local G. A. R. Post and of the Loyal Legion, and to members of the University Faculty. Seats will be reserved for these guests and their families. The ceremonies will begin at 11.45 o'clock, when the College bell will summon all the veterans to University Hall Here a procession will be formed and the company will march to Sanders Theatre. W. H. Trumbull, Jr., '15 and L. de J. Harvard '15 have been appointed marshals for the occasion.
The exercises are being conducted as usual under the direction of the Harvard Memorial Society.
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