

Secretary Tumulty Expresses Mr. Wilson's Appreciation of Support.

Last week the CRIMSON sent a letter to President Wilson, signed by about 250 members of the University assuring him of the support of the undergraduates in the stand which he had taken in the present crisis, and pledging him our support in case a recourse to force proved necessary.

Saturday the following acknowledgement was received from the President's secretary: The White House,   Washington, D. C.,   May 21, 1915.

My Dear Mr. Connell:

The President has requested me to acknowledge the receipt of your kind letter of May 16th, and to thank you warmly for sending him the enclosure. He asks me to assure you and your associates of his genuine appreciation of this generous expression of confidence. He is greatly heartened by your pledge of support.   Sincerely yours,   J. P. TUMULTY,   Sec. to the President.   Mr. Richard E. Connell,   The Harvard CRIMSON,   Cambridge, Mass.
