Tickets have been placed on sale for the big Senior festivity--the picnic--which will come just one week from today, and they may be obtained at $1.25 each at Leavitt & Peirce's, Thayer 32, Matthews 1, or from any member of the committee. The sale will close on Monday. On that day and the next caps, bathing trunks, white overalls, and everything else will be given out in Thayer Common Room upon presentation of tickets. All of these articles are included for the price of $1.25, and there will be no further expense.
After several weeks of painstaking planning, the committee has announced the details of the program for the day. Promptly at 6.45 o'clock in the morning a trumpeter will arouse the Seniors. At 8 o'clock special cars, bearing refreshments and a 15-piece band, will race from the Square. Two boats will meet the Seniors at the wharf, but the committee has decided it will be best not to select in advance the destination of these boats, but to follow the "Will o' the Wisp." Suffice if for the present to say that Peddock's Island, so long the haven of picnicing Seniors, has been weighed in the balance and found not good enough for the class of 1915.
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Sophomores vs. Freshmen.