

The CRIMSON believes that it is expressing the feeling of every man in the University when it assures President Wilson that the members of the University approve the stand he has taken at this critical period in the history of our country, that they place full confidence in his wisdom, and that they pledge themselves to stand with him for justice.

The University does not approve blind or pyrotechnic patriotism. It has stead-fastly sought to avoid jingoism and acts of hostility and unfairness of any sort to any of the warring nations. But it does not propose to hold aloof when the dignity and honor of its country require its support and its service.

The CRIMSON believes that it is its clear duty to express this stand of the University, and to convey an expression of this stand to the President of the United States in this time of stress and storm.

Accordingly a letter to President Wilson has been drafted, which reads:

"We, the undersigned, members of Harvard University, beg to assure you that we endorse the stand you have taken in regard to the sacred rights, not only of Americans but of all mankind, and that we have confidence in your wisdom and justice. It is our hope and our prayer that under your guidance this country may keep God's peace, but if in upholding this country's dignity and honor, you deem recourse to the use of force necessary, we pledge you our support."


A copy of this letter will be sent to President Wilson Monday. Today and tomorrow it will be posted in the CRIMSON Office whence members of the University may sign it.
