

Will Hold Rehearsal in Stadium Monday. 21 Supers Were Chosen.

After a week of rehearsals in the Yale Bowl the Granville Barker-Lillah McCarthy company will give the opening performance of "Iphigenia in Tauris" there this evening. The company will leave for Boston immediately after this performance in order to prepare for the rehearsal in the Stadium on Monday. The first public performance here will be "Iphigenia in Tauris" to be given on Tuesday, while "Trojan Women" will be given on Wednesday. Tickets for these performances are on sale at Herrick's and the Co-operative.

The following members of the University have been selected to act as super-numeraries in the plays: herdsmen, R. Horween '18, P. A. Means '16, and E. F. Woodruff '16; executioners, A. L. G. Jensen '17, L. D. Le Fevre '18, D. L. Moody '18, W. W. Sanders '17, J. F. Seal '17, W. W. Spencer '18, and A. L. Whitman '18; soldiers, H. L. Dayton '17, W. Edgar '16, L. B. Everitt '17, N. Fell '17, H. W. Flagg '16, A. C. Gilligan '18, E. F. Henderson '18, C. A. Herter '15, R. C. Kelley '17, R. V. Kleinschmidt '16, and R. T. Squire '18.
