The culmination of a series of unfortunate events in the career of this year's University baseball team came yesterday in the resignation of the coach, Dr. F. J. Sexton. This episode is greatly to be deplored-coming, as it does at this critical stage in the development of the team.
Whatever the cause of Dr. Sexton's resignation, his loss now will doubtless set the team back seriously and handicap it in the important games which are now rapidly approaching. It is to be hoped that a new and able coach will be found immediately, and no more capable one could be desired than Percy D. Haughton, who is under consideration for the place, Although it will be difficult to find a man to replace Dr. Sexton, for he knew the game thoroughly and imparted his knowledge with a clearness that enlightened and a force that stimulated, no doubt Coach Haughton will bring success. In football, undergraduate and alumnus place complete confidence in the Haughton system; may it not be expected that a diamond adaptation of the same system will also be triumphant?
Meanwhile the University team deserves all the encouragement and moral support possible. It is facing a difficult situation. It had no sooner recovered from the loss of Captain Ayres and from unfortunate individual injuries, when this last bolt came out of a clear sky. If the team can get along for a few days on good wishes and undergraduate backing, such spirit should be accorded with full heart; and if the team emerges victorious at the end of the season, that team will be counted one of the bravest in the history of Harvard sport.
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