


At a mass meeting of the Freshman class in the Common Room of Smith Hall last evening the plan of the 1918 Jubilee to be held June 1 was announced by the Freshman president, W. J. Murray. The Jubilee is an innovation on the part of 1918 and has the full approval of the College authorities. The general outline and program of the celebration is as follows:

4 P. M. to 5 P. M.--Reception of guests in the quadrangle of Smith Hall.

5 P. M. to 6 P. M.--Concert in Smith Hall Common Room by the 1918 orchestra and soloists from the class.

6 P. M. to 7.15 P. M.--Buffet supper in Smith Hall Dining Room (The class orchestra will play from 6.45 to 7.15).

7.30 P. M.--The interdormitory singing contest for Singing Cup. President Lowell will award the cup upon the decision of the judges.


After the presentation of the cup there will be general dancing in the Common Rooms of all three dormitories. Freshmen are urged to invite their friends for whose comfort accommodations will be made. Tickets will be required of each person on entering the Smith Hall quadrangle gates. Applications for these tickets will close on next Saturday, May 15, before which date they may be procured at 50 cents each from the committee in charge. President W. J. Murray has appointed the following committee to make all necessary arrangements: Murray Taylor, Standish E 23 (chairman), V. B. Kellett, Persis Smith B 52, R. G. Brown, Persis Smith B 12, J. R. Busk, George Smith B 31, J. K. Berry, Jr., Persis Smith B 41, C. L. Harrison, Jr., Standish B 23, Mosely Taylor, Standish E 34, F. H. Stephens, Standish A 35, R. K. Osborne, Gore A 42, R. C. Cooke, Gore E 34, and W. D. D. Morgan, Gore E 14.

There will be no supper served in the dining rooms of either Gore or Standish Halls on the evening of June 1.

Any further information can be obtained from the chairman, Murray Taylor, who will also be glad to receive suggestions.
