
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Tuesday, May 11.

2.00. -- Interdormitory baseball on Soldiers Field. Smith vs. Standish.

4.00. -- Leiter cup baseball on Soldiers Field. Team 6 vs. 9, and 11 vs. 14.

4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.


4.30.--Southworth Lecture. "Landmarks in the History of Church Polity. V. The Contribution of Congregationalism to Church Polity," by Rev. Ambrose White Vernon, Minister of the Harvard Church, Brookline, in Andover Seminary Building, Room A.

7.00.--Advocate dinner at the Hotel Victoria, Boston.

Wednesday, May 12.

4.00.--University baseball team vs. the University of Pennsylvania on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Second baseball team vs. Andover at Andover.

4.00.--1918 baseball team vs. Worcester Academy on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Leiter cup baseball on Soldiers Field. Team 12 vs. 15, and 1 vs. 5.

7.00.--CRIMSON dinner in the Union.

8.00.--Lecture on "The Policy of a Liberal College," by President Alexander Meiklejohn of Amherst College, in Phillips Brooks House, under the auspices of the Graduate Schools Society.

Thursday, May 13.

2.00.--Interdormitory baseball on Soldiers Field. Gore vs. Smith.

3.30.--University lacrosse vs. Hobart at Geneva, N. Y.

3.30.--1918 golf team vs. Fessenden School.

4.00.--Leiter cup baseball on Soldiers Field. Team 12 vs. 15, and 1 vs. 5.

8.00. -- Speaking for the Boylston Prizes in Sanders Theatre.

8.15.--Concert under the auspices of the Department of Music in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall.

Friday, May 14.

2.00.--Dormitory baseball on Soldiers Field, Gore vs. Standish.

4.00.--University baseball team vs. Boston College on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Second baseball team vs. Dean Academy on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Leiter cup baseball on Soldiers Field. Team 6 vs. 10, and 11 vs. 15.

4.55.--Harvard Zoological Club. "Movements in the Visual Cells and Retinal Pigment of the Lower Vertebrates," by L. B. Arey 3G., in the Zoological Laboratory, Room 46.

8.00.--Concert by the University Musical Clubs at the Chestnut Hill Club, Chestnut Hill.

Saturday, May 15.

1916 button competition ends.

Preliminary Class Day ticket applications close for Seniors.

11.00.--Trials for interscholastic track meet. Finals after 1918 meet.

2.00.--1918 dual meet with Yale 1918.

3.00.--Dual track meet with Yale at New Haven.

3.00.--1918 baseball team vs. Exeter on Soldiers Field.

3.00.--University lacrosse vs. Cornell at Ithaca, N. Y.

3.00.--University tennis team vs. Cornell.

3.00.--Class crew and single scull races in the Basin.

3.00.--University golf vs. Fall River at Fall River.
