

Crimson's Husky Hitters Awalt Better Weather to Drub Candidates.

The weather man befriended the unfortunate candidates yesterday, and the CRIMSON Clouters' victory has been post-poned until Monday afternoon. An invitation has been received from Radcliffe to stage the contest in front of Agassiz as an open Idler, but modesty forbids, and Soldiers Field will be the scene of the struggle. Blood and beer will flow freely, and everything will be sweet and gay as the editors flit around the bags.

As announced exclusively in yesterday's CRIMSON, "Smiling Sam" Hall, the New Jersey desperado, will be the prima donna of the occasion. The futile attempts of the candidates to find his delivery will add zest to the scene. We refrain from mentioning the infield, as we do not want to make the Braves feel badly. The outfield will be under all the flies and above all reproach.

A Crimson spy visited the Candidates' practice yesterday, disguised as Terry. When interviewed, all he would say was that the team is working as smoothly as a combination agreement between the Advocate and the Monthly.

Late last night a wireless was received at the Cruft Laboratory, addressed to the CRIMSON. It runs as follows:

"Gott trafe die Kandidates. Willie Hobenzollern, 2d, '16."
