At the baseball meetings in the Freshman Dormitories last night, Mark Watson Horne '18, of Allegheny, Pa., was elected director for Smith Halls; George Almy Perce '18, of Arlington, for Gore Hall; and George Crosby White '18, of Nutley, N. J., for Standish, These men, with the three University baseball managers, and the managers of the dormitory teams, who will be chosen from the Freshman manager candidates, will have general charge of the interdormitory series this spring, and will soon publish a schedule to begin soon after the April recess. A present or former member of a University baseball team will coach each team.
Dr. P. Withington '09, director of Freshman athletics, announced that President Lowell has offered a large silver bowl to the winning dormitory, and that individual cups or medals will probably be given to the members of the winning team.
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