

Scrimmages Will Begin.--C. E. Brickley '15 to Coach Drop-Kickers.

A division in the University football candidates was made at the close of Friday afternoon's practice in order to have regular scrimmages during the rest of the spring season. The first week has been spent in rudimentary drilling and in getting the men acquainted with the plays. The remaining two weeks will be made up of daily practice games and work of more strenuous nature.

C. E. Brickley '15 has offered to give all the kickers individual coaching for a half-hour before the regular practice. The kicking department will not be as strong as usual next year and an unusual among of coaching and work will be required to bring that department up to the standard of the last few years.

The squad was divided into teams A and B. Team A lined up as follows: L. B. Day, centre; D. Duncan '17 and G. E. Leighton, guards; P. H. Hartley uC. and F. B. Dean '17, tackles; C. A. Coolidge '17 and T. Nelson, ends; J. E. Doherty '16, quarterback; and G. A. McKinlock '16, M. H. Gesumky '17 and E. F. Woodruff '16, backs. The men on team B were: T. H. Eckfeldt '17 and D. Campbell '16, ends; O. G. Kirkpatrick '17 and H. H. Dadmum uC., tackles; H. Wentworth '17 and W. S. Crocker '18, guards; M. Taylor '18, quarterback; and W. F. Robinson '18, R. Horween '18 and G. A. Sagar '17, backs. Team B will be in the hands of W. H. Trumbull '15, T. J. Coolidge 3rd, '15, and M. J. Logan '15, from now on.

Regular attendance is required from now on. Men who are unable to attend practice on any day should notify one of the managers on the day preceding.
