

After months of controversy and careful consideration, the Corporation has finally been obliged to raise the tuition fee for all Cambridge departments of the University except the Law School to two hundred dollars. Objections have been raised, but none of the critics could propose any other feasible way in which to obtain the needed funds. It was rightly felt that any reduction in the quality of instruction was not to be considered.

The University has been growing constantly in buildings, equipment, and quality and variety of instruction, although the number of its students has not increased greatly in the last decade. Moreover, the value of money has been diminishing. A Harvard education costs the University more than it' did formerly; and it is only just that the students should bear a part of this additional expense. The increase in tuition will put the University on a sound financial basis; and gifts may now be used for further improvements. Both undergraduates and graduates should feel that only a stern necessity led to the step, and should acquiesce cheerfully. The very fact that the Corporation has passed such an "unpopular" measure is the best guarantee that there was no other way out.
