The undergraduate performance of the Hasty Pudding play, "The Fattest Calf," will be given in the clubhouse on Holyoke street, Monday evening, at 8 o'clock. Tickets at $1.00 each are now on sale at the Co-operative Branch, and Herrick's; they may also be obtained from W. C. Boyden, Jr., '16, at the Hasty Pudding Club House. A special performance will be given this evening, open only to graduate or undergraduate members of the club. "The Fattest Calf" is a two-act musical comedy dealing with the adventures of some members of the Hasty Pudding show on a tour, who become stranded in a rustic town without their money. The second act act is a modernized version of Shake speare's "Merchant of Venice," the burlesque taking its name from the fact that Shylock takes a mortgage on Antonio's fattest calf instead of the conventional pound of flesh. Portia's defense is grounded on the claim that the calf cannot be moved without a permit from the board of health, on account of the prevalence of the foot and mouth disease. The book was written by D. C. Josephs '15 and J. A. Richards '15; the lyrics by C. A. Herter '15; and the music by F. van S. Hyde '16 and H. H. Meyer; 15.
After the undergraduate performance Monday evening, four public performances will be given as follows: Tuesday, April 6, in the club theatre; and April 9 and 10 at the Toy Theatre on Dartmouth street, in Boston. There will be a special matinee in the Toy Theatre on April 10 at 2.15 o'clock. Tickets for the public performances at $2.50 and $1.00 each are on sale at Herrick's and at the Cooperative Branch.
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