

To those who know the history of the peace movement in this country form its earliest beginnings as an insignificiant minority, the results of last night's Forum are in the highest degree encouraging. The argument above all others which has troubled those working towards some judicial means of setting international difficulties has been that when once the people are aroused by an appeal to emotional mob spirit, war may come no matter how clearly it can be shown to be their interest and advantage to remain at peace. That in this day of world conflict, with every possibility of this nation being swept off its feet by terror and blind fear, with an unprecedented campaign being waged for military increases, the very closeness of such a vote as last night's is ground for the highest hopes and inspiration.

No man who thinks the cause of peace at all worth while can be honest with himself and at the same time belittle the difficulties which lie ahead. Peace is essentially a state of mind. Its progress among civilized nations today depends upon enlightenment in simple self-interest. It devolves upon every man who has seen the futility of war and felt the imperative need for some constructive organization to take the place of brute force, to constitute himself a perpetual centre of propaganda and education for others. Only thus can knowledge of the basis of international relationship penetrate from the top to the bottom of every nation. That infinite patience and energy will be required should only make the challenge sound the louder to the intelligent and patriotic young men of this country.
