The University baseball team broke even on its southern trip, for the schedule of six games produced three victories and three defeats. At West Point, Neyland, the Army's star hurler, held the University to two hits, while his team-mattes made a total of four doubles and four singles off Willcox, the score being 9 to 2 for the Army. The University players took a brace and downed Maryland Agricultural College with another 9 to 2 result, stealing five bases, and getting eight singles, three doubles, two triples and a home run. Annapolis was defeated 12 to 11, Nash having a wonderful day at the bat with his total of two singles, one triple and a home run in five trips to the plate.
The next two games, with Catholic University and Georgetown, were dropped by scores of 2 to 1 and 8 to 1, respectively, but in the final game with Columbia, the University pulled out an 8 to 0 victory. In this game, Frye held the New York nine to six scattered hits, while O'Neal, his opponent in the box, was knocked out of the box. C. Hann, Jr., '11, a former University player, put up a good game at first base for Columbia, playing errorless ball and getting a single, twelve putouts, and three assists.
The most encouraging feature of the trip was the University's work at the bat. Here Nash was the leader with four singles, two doubles, a triple, and two home runs, or a total of 19 bases in 26 turns at bat. Harte and Gannett also proved themselves strong hitters, while Hardwick, Fripp and Reed all did well. The pitching staff seems to be strong acting captain Frye appearing to do the most consistent work.
Ayres Will Not Play.
[Special Dispatch to the CRIMSON].
Montclair, N. J., April 25.--R. R. Ayres '15, captain of the University baseball team, will not participate in any games this year, owing to this serious illness. He may not be able to return to College this spring.
The summaries of the games follow:
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