

To Meet Crescent Athletic Club in First Contest on Spring Trip.

In the first game of the Southern trip the University lacrosse team will meet the Crescent Athletic Club at Brooklyn this afternoon at 4 o'clock. This is the first game played with the Brooklyn team since 1909 and as the Crescent's teams are notably well-drilled and experienced the contest this afternoon is sure to test the ability of the University players.

The University team has played one game so far this spring, losing a close contest to the Boston Lacrosse Club last Saturday. This is far from discouraging, however, as Coach Warwick was enabled to make several advantageous shifts in the line-up. The new men on the team this year are E. B. Flu '17, at cover-point, W. A. Elliott '15 at defence, R. H. Franzen '17 at attack, and O. H. Persons '17 at in-home.

The team will line up as follows for Saturday's game: g., Cochran; p., O'Neil; c.p., Flu; d., Catton; 2d., Beal; 3d., Elliott; c., Wanamaker; 3a., Nash; 2a., Fleming; 1a., Franzen; i.h., Persons; o.h., Nightingale (captain).
