During the vacation a number of the principal University buildings will be open for the use of the students. The following hours will be observed: the library in Randall, Harvard, and Massachusetts Halls will be open at the same hours as in term time, except that Randall Hall will close at 5.30 o'clock in stead of 10. The Reading-room of the Business School will close at 5 o'clock (on Saturday at 12) and the libraries in Warren House at 5.30 o'clock. On Monday, however, the Harvard Hall and Business School Reading-rooms and the Warren House libraries will be closed on account of the legal holiday. The Delivery-desk at Randall Hall will be closed, but the building will other-wise be open as on other days. The Reading-room in Massachusetts Hall will be open as usual. The library in Austin Hall will be closed during the spring recess but Langdell will be open every day, except Monday, from 8.30 to 6 o'clock. The Landscape Architecture library in Robinson Hall and the Philosophy Library in Emerson will be open at the regular hours from 9 to 5 o'clock. The University Museum will also be open at the usual hours.
Phillips Brooks House will remain open every morning of the spring recess. The Fogg Art Museum will be open to visitors from 9 to 5 o'clock on week days and from 1 to 5 o'clock on Sunday, but will remain closed all day Monday. The Union will be open as usual, the regular Sunday and holiday hours being in force. Meals will be served according to holiday schedule; breakfast from 8 to 12 o'clock, luncheon from 12 to 2 o'clock, dinner from 6 to 8 o'clock.
Memorial Hall will be closed after the evening meal tonight and will re-open for breakfast on Monday, April 26. As Foxcroft will be open throughout the recess, members of Memorial may transfer without the usual initial fee. The dining rooms in Gore and Standish Halls will be closed all week but as Smith will be open all Freshmen may eat there.
Hemenway Gymnasium will remain open every week day of the vacation from 9 to 6 o'clock, except Monday when it will be closed all day. The Locker Building at Soliders Field will be in use at the same hours as usual.
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