Trials for the University tennis team will continue this morning and this afternoon, but there will be no more Freshman trials until Monday. The round robin series is now well advanced.
The following matches will be played on Jarvis Field today: at 10 o'clock, A. F. Doty '16 vs. F. Boyer '16; at 11.15 o'clock, A. S. Peabody '16 vs. T. J. D. Fuller '15; H. Wainwright '15 vs. W. W. Mansfield '15; at 4 o'clock, F. Boyer '16 vs. T. J. D. Fuller '15; A. F. Doty '16 vs. A. S. Peabody '16.
According to present weather conditions the Soldiers Field tennis courts will be ready for use Monday. They were in good enough condition to be marked out and have the nets set up yesterday, but the ground is still decidedly soft and needs much rolling. Nevertheless it is now expected to open them permanently on Monday.
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