
Concerning War.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Of late there have appeared in your paper various communications and unworthy editorial, concerning the summer military camps that were pregnant with the dry rot, which, in the form of self complacency and indifference is secretly consuming the manhood of many dabblers in "idealism."

That war is not only possible but even likely is obvious to any who have taken the trouble to study present conditions in the light of history: That Japan will ultimately try to wrest the Phillipines from us is generally conceded as highly probable by foreign diplomatists. All conditions warn us. But still, are we blind to the needs of our country, on unwilling to sacrifice a little of our time for what our forefathers gave their lives? Are the college men of this country,--those to whom this country has been most king, to brazenly jeopardize the future of this land merely to escape the manly labor of a few weeks in a military camp?

There is not here the space to show the insidious perversions with which your editorial writers have deluded themselves. Fortunately the Forum, tomorrow night, will give the undergraduates an opportunity to disprove the impression given to the world that Harvard men are unwilling to sacrifice a little of their time and pleasure for the safety of their country. A. FORUMMY.
