

Freshman Red Book Candidates Report At Gore Common Room Tonight.

The competition for the Freshman Red Book will begin tonight at 8 o'clock when candidates for all departments will meet in Gore Common Room. The work this year has been divided into four departments, all under the general supervision of H. Robb '18, chairman of the committee. H. H. Silliman '18 and A. Clark '18, his assistant, will have charge of the business staff. J. B. Abbot '18 will be at the head of the art department. P. B. Boyden '18 and J. Lavalle '18 will supervise the copy and registration, and D. M. Little '18 will have charge of the cuts and photographs. They will decide upon the number of men that will be taken into their respective departments, and will regulate the length of their competitions. The book will be published about June 1.

The committee chairmen have decided to introduce an important innovation into this year's book. On the top of each page above the class lives there will be panel photographs which will include everyone in the class. This will make the book more valuable.


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