

Strong Team Will Commence Hard Schedule of Six Games Tomorrow.

The spring southern trip of the Yale baseball team begins today. According to Coach Quinby, the team is farther advanced than any recent Yale team, this being due in large measure to the ten days of outdoor practice they have had. The schedule arranged for the present trip is a harder one than usual, as it includes, beginning tomorrow, Georgetown, Washington American League team, University of Virginia, Holy Cross, Pennsylvania, and Annapolis.

The prospects for the Yale team are apparently bright. The pitching staff includes Way, a veteran, and Watrous, Underwood, and Guernsey, from the present sophomore class. Of these, Way is far the best, and is working much better than last season. Hunter, last year's catcher, is back, and will be assisted by Castles of last year's second team.

The probable infield line-up is Bush at first, Milburn at second, Legore at shortstop, and Reilly at third. This infield is regarded as an extremely strong one. The outfield will be made up of Captain Middlebrook, Vaughn, and Haynes, with Easton as substitute. All these men are reported to be hitting hard this spring.
