

University Interscholastics Scheduled Later Than in Past Years.

The twenty-fifth annual tournament for the Harvard interscholastic tennis championship in singles will be held on Jarvis Field on Saturday, May 15, and Monday, May 17. The entrance fee will be $1 for each person in addition to the annual dues of $5 for each school competing.

No player will be allowed to compete who has passed his twentieth birthday, nor will any player be permitted to compete in more than one interscholastic tournament previous to the national tournament in August. All entries must be made by 6 o'clock on May 14.

Prizes will be given to the winner and runner-up, as well as a championship shield to the school which wins the greatest number of matches.

The winner of the tournament will have the right to play for the national interscholastic championship of the United States in August.

The tournament is being held a week later than usual, at the request of Exeter, which formerly had too short a time for practice after the opening of their courts.
