President Rush Rhees of Rochester University in his speech before the International Polity Federation last night said that civilization had not collapsed in the ordinary meaning of the word. Scientifically, politically, and intellectually the countries of Europe engaged in war have actually advanced. The real collapse of civilization has been moral and social. Intense race hatred and national misunderstanding have been cause and effect in bringing about the greatest war in history.
The relations which brought England and Germany into war are closely analagous to those which exist between this country and its neighbors. Nor can we treat South America as a barbarous country, or disregard Mexico. International understanding and sympathy is the only sure road to permanent peace.
"The Federal Trade Commission Act."
Mr. Joseph E. Davies, Commissioner of Corporations in the Department of Commerce at Washington, while speaking last evening on "The Federal Trade Commission Act" outlined the leading featrues of this act and the Clayton Act. He defined the Trade Commission Act as an instrument for the distinction of monopoly and the regulation of competition.
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