Attention is called to the fact that several prize competitions close in the course of this week.
The finals of the Lee Wade II, public speaking competition will take place in Sanders Theatre, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Nine men were retained after the preliminary trials last week. From these nine three will be picked to receive the prizes of $25, $15, and $10.
Bowdoin Prizes.
Essays for the Bowdoin Prizes must be handed in to the Secretary of the Faculty not later than Thursday, April 1. These prizes are awarded for dissertations in English, Greek, and Latin, and are to be competed for both by graduates and undergraduates. For undergraduates there are three prizes for English dissertations, a first of $250, and two second prizes of $100 each. Essays may be on any topic approved by the Committee on Bowdoin Prizes. For Greek and Latin there are two prizes of $50 each, one for a translation of a passage from Walter Pater's "A Study of Dionysus" into Attic Greek, and one for a Latin translation of a passage from Henry Cabot Lodge's "Life of Daniel Webster."
For graduates there are three prizes of $200 each for essays in English upon some subject belonging to a special field of learning. The various fields are divided into groups, and a prize is offered in each of three of these. A prize of $100 is offered for an essay, on any subject, in Latin or Greek. A graduate student must be a holder of an academic degree to compete for these prizes.
Manuscripts Due April 1.
Applications for second year honors, manuscripts of competitors for the Lloyd McKim Garrison Pribe, compositions for the Francis Boott Prize and the George Arthur Knight Prize in music, and essays for the Harvard Menorah Society Prize are also due April 1.
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