The Committee on Scholarships and Other Aids to Undergraduates has made the second assignment from the Price Greenleaf Fund to the following 62 students in the College, for the College year 1914-15: Lucien Victor Alexis '18, Exeter; Emanuel Amdursky '18, Central High, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Joseph Auslander uC., Columbia University, New York; John Perry Ballantine '18, Fitchburg High; Wllam Hartwell Bartlett '18, Sctuate High; Newton Beisinger '18, Peddie Institute, N. J.; Edwin Amos Bigelow '18, Salem High; Alfred Theodore Burri '18, Mt. Herman; Frederick Butler uC., University of Denver, Colo.; Francis Lawrence Carrier '18, Bacon Academy, Conn.; Ralph Tunnicliff Catterall '18, St. Paul's, Concord; Robert Myron Cohen '18, Boston English High; Edward Copeland '18, Boys' High, Brooklyn; John Edward Cox '18, Newton High; Alfred Duhressen '18, Montclair (N. J.) High; Leslie Ernest Durkee '18, Brewster Free Academy, N. H.; Henry Vincent Fox '18, Dedham High; Robert Hale Garrison '18, Montclair (N. J.) High; Max Samuel Ginsberg '18, Boston Latin; Harry Phillip Goldstein '18, Salem High; Albert Alvah Granovsky '18, B. M. C. Durfee High, Fall River; Harold Benjamin Hill '18, Hartford (Conn.) High; William Conrad Himmer uC., Bloomfield (N. J.) Seminary; Harvey Hoffman '18, Boston English High; George Locke Howe '18, St. George's School, R. I.; Myer Israel '18, Boston Latin; Sampel Kaplowitz '18, Boston English High; Hugh Joseph Kelleher '18. The McKelvin; New York; Vernon Brown Kellett '18, Williston Seminary; Richard Hazen Kimball '18, Concord High; Philip Klein uC., New York (N. Y.) University; Victor Albert Kramer '18, Brookline High; Joseph Jerome Kurzydloski '18, Exeter; Morris Louis Levine '18, Central High, Scranton, Pa.; Henry Norwell MacIntyre '18, Boston Latin; Carl Alonzo Mendum '18, Roxbury Latin; Max Julius Meyer '18, Gardner High; William Storey Murphy '18, B. M. C. Durfee High, Fall River; William James Murray '18, Andover; Charles Nemser '16, Syracuse University, N. Y.; Daniel Joseph O'Keefe '18, Boston Latin; William Preston Palmer '18, Dorchester High; Horace Preston Payne '18, Central High, Harrisburg, Pa.; Everett Preston Perkins '18, Brockton High; Dominic William Rich '18, Kent School, Conn.; Max Ritro '18, Boston English; Andrew Emrey Seitz '18, Medford High; Charles Stephen Shaughnessy '18, Ashland High; William Allison Shimer '18, State Normal, W. Va.; William Maurice Silverman '18, Hoyoke High; Abraham Morris Sonnabend '18, Boston Latin; William Berry Southworth '18, Exeter; Paul Squibb '18, Kent School, Conn.; Martin Swanson '18, State Normal, Pa.; Jacob Tepper '18, Lawrence High; Paul Tison '18, Andover; Lyman Milton Van der Pyl '18, Haverhill High; Walter Bailey Washburn '18, Boston Latin; Edward Weissbuck '18, De Witt Clinton High, New York; Percival Dodge Whipple '16, Dartmouth College; George Carl Wilkins '18, Lowell High; Ezekiel Wolf '18, Dorchester High.
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