

Will be Given Under Auspices of Musical Review Friday Night.

Mr. George Copeland will give a pianoforte recital under the auspices of the Musical Review in the John Knowles Paine Concert Hall Friday evening at 8.15 o'clock. Mr. Copeland, one of America's foremost planists gave his farewell recital in Boston several months ago and this will be one of the last of his public appearances. Tickets at $1.50, $1.00, 50 and 25 cents may be obtained at Amee Brothers. The program will be as follows: Sonato Tragica--First movement,  MacDowell Pastorale,  Scarlatti Capriccio,  Scarlatti Nocturnes,  Chopin Fantaisie-Impromptu,  Chopin Valse,  Chopin Etude,  Chopin Valse,  Chopin Etudes Syphoniques--Finale,  Schumann Feuilles Morte,  Debussy Minstrels,  Debussy Clair de Lune,  Debussy Poissons d'Or,  Debussy Berceuse Heroique, Pour rendre hommage a S. M. le Roi Albert 1 er de Belgique et a ses soldates,  Debussy Les Fees sont d'Exquises Danseuses,  Debussy Spanish Dances,  Abeniz Tango El Palo. Soleil a Midi,  Jongen
